Thursday, January 5, 2012


So I changed the pic on my page because sometimes I do really feel like the poor kid on the playground that has no one to play on the teeter-totter with, ya know?

I know that this year I have many things I want to change...getting healthy is on the top, but mentally I don't know how to get out of the gloom.  Being a single mom sucks sometimes, and feeling completely alone in that goo, sucks even more.  Especially when "dad" seems to care about so many things other than the things that mean the most to me in the world.  But, alas, it's the lot I was given so I am going to make the most of it, damn it!

And my job, I could not be any more burnt out if I was actually on fire.  I love the company I work for and the people I work with but my actual job duties are getting to be such a drag.  I want more.  I guess that's why I'm trying my ass off to finish school.  Yet another goal for the year...bring my GPA up.

I guess I'm just glum.  Sick of a lot of things...sick of being the responsible parent and not having a life of my own when the dad is out there having a life of his own and not being a parent at all.  Sick of feeling like I'm being pulled a million different directions at all times and wondering if I can handle it all.  Maybe, if I just get healthy, I'll get out of this funk...begin to love myself again and HAVE the life I deserve.

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